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View Breathtaking Art in the Tower Bridge Exhibitions

Posted by silverhand12 on June 23, 2017 at 12:00 AM

Throughout human evolution and the rise and falls of civilizations, art has been a cornerstone identifiable with our species. The beauty, style, and radiance of each painting we see evoke certain emotions in us. This weekend, as from the 23rd to the 25th of this month, view a variety of paintings done by upcoming artists from all across London. The theme for their art will be the development of architecture in our modern world. Additionally, their art will seek to explore the increasing use of smart technology. Pieces will also be based on the theme of the changes in governance and how these affect the modern world. The painters will exhibit their work on the banks of the River Thames, thereby creating a calm setting for you to appreciate each stroke in their work. As a platform for both upcoming and professional artists, Tower Bridge Exhibitions will host the event Art at the Bridge to communicate the development of humankind through the ages. If you love or appreciate art, then this event is for you. The pieces will be influenced by each painter’s personal experiences and will seek to explore both the cultural and emotional aspects of each theme. With the sun out in the summer and relaxation being key to end your week, there is no better place to be than at Art at The Bridge this weekend. Advance tickets will cost you 10. The event will run from 10 am to 5:30 pm.

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