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Time Out 50 Exhibition: 50 Years, 50 Covers

Posted by Silverhand on March 01, 2019 at 12:00 AM

It is hard to believe but Time Out magazine has turned 50 this year. The magazine has published 2,500 copies just in London alone since its first pocket-sized issue in 1968. Therefore, to celebrate their 50 years of service, Time Out partnered with the Museum of Brands located in Ladbroke Grove to put out an exhibition. An exhibition that entails 50 of their best covers. The original print issues on display will take you through a journey beginning in 1968, through the radicle 70s and swanky 80s showing covers of stars like David Bowie, Elton John, and Joanna Lumley. It also showcases the prowess of talented staff designers through to the present day. This is a piece of London’s pop and city cultural history you don’t want to miss out on. Come see how London progressed through the lens of Time Out Magazine. The Exhibition runs from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm.

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